Ashley Morris Ashley Morris

Work From Anywhere! - A Guide to Finding a Job You Can Take On the Road!

“How do you make money on the road while traveling?” Some variation of those words flash across our screen almost daily. It is our number one most asked question, by far. I think we are in a good position to answer that question because, admittedly, we have tried it all. We know what works and what doesn’t. After four years of constantly trying new things to see what is legit, and what isn’t, we are probably experts at this point. With all of that said, here are some remote, “travel friendly” work opportunities that we’ve found can be done wherever you go in your journey. In the great words of Fifth Harmony, “you don’t gotta go to work work work work work, you can work from home.”

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Alex Morris Alex Morris

The Unyielding Duties of being a Dad: Inspiring Strength to Care for and Protect Your Family

Fatherhood is an extraordinary journey filled with immense responsibility and unwavering love. As dads, we are entrusted with the profound duty to care for and protect our families. I wanted to take some time and speak to motivate and inspire other fathers to embrace their roles wholeheartedly, recognizing the profound impact we have on the lives of our loved ones. Lets talk about the significance of fatherhood and the incredible strength that lies within each of us to keep going and be the guardians our families need.

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Ashley Morris Ashley Morris

Where Do We Go From Here?

I’ve had this feeling for a while. I didn’t know what our purpose was, what we should share, or if we even should keep sharing. I felt lost and like the content we have recently been posting just didn’t feel like us. It wasn’t who we really were and because of that, it felt inauthentic and I didn’t know if I wanted to continue. To be honest, I was pretty sure I wanted to quit social media. If I couldn’t do something good or helpful in some way, I didn’t feel fulfilled. Sometimes the negativity on social media can be too much and I wonder if it’s even worth it because I didn’t have a true purpose behind what I was sharing.

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travel, rv, rvliving Ashley Morris travel, rv, rvliving Ashley Morris

Sometimes less can be so much more…

We moved into a 400 square foot bus and most people might say we’re crazy for it. At times I’ve wondered if we are crazy. Is this way of life right for our family? Then I look around. I see our kids running and playing. Smiling and laughing as they chase after each other. I see the beautiful landscape that surrounds our home. Mountains as far as I can see. I see a more relaxed side of my husband, we’re joking with each other and enjoying each other’s company more than we had been. I realize our family is closer than ever. We’re not constantly on the go rushing from one place to another. Life seems to move more slowly. We enjoy our time together and cherish the memories we’re making. I never would have thought moving into a smaller space would bring so much happiness to our family, but we are thriving. I feel so grateful to live this life of freedom and adventure. If I could go back to when we first thought about traveling full time and tell myself one thing, it would be that everything will be okay and this is exactly what we need. That everything will work out in the end and so much lies ahead for us. Sometimes all you need is less. Less stuff, less house, less stress.

Maybe less really is more.

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