Common Questions We Are Asked!

▪️What kind of bus do we have?

MCI 102DL3

▪️Where did we find/get our bus? 

We found it on Facebook marketplace and paid $30,000 for it fully converted.

▪️Did we convert the bus ourselves?

No we found it already converted on Facebook Marketplace.

▪️What do we do for internet while traveling?

We use Starlink and highly recommend it! We get roughly 50 - 75 mbps absolutely anywhere we go! .

▪️What do we do for work?

Alex has a remote job and we both do social media together.

▪️What do we do for the kids school?

We homeschool! We use the free printable version of The Good and the Beautiful for both kids and love it!

▪️ What do we do for healthcare?

Alex has health insurance through his remote job and it allows us to see any doctor in any state as long as they’re in network.

▪️ Do we need a CDL to drive our bus?

Since it is a personal RV a CDL is not required, but we recommend some training before driving this big of a vehicle.

▪️What do we do for heat/cooling in our bus?

We have solar equipped. We also try to stay in the 70’s all year, so we don’t have to do too much AC or heat, but we have the ability to run them if we need to. We have electric heaters and portable AC.

▪️We get about 7mpg while driving the bus and it works out to about $1 per mile we drive. We save money by moving less and only driving about 200 miles or so on a travel day.

▪️We’ve been traveling full time for four years.

▪️We have 2100 watts of solar for boondocking.

▪️All three of our tanks (grey, black, and fresh water) are all 75 gallons.